Even in these youngest rooms, we find opportunities to begin introducing the three elements of our Preschool Program: learning through play, thematic units and the Creative Curriculum. At this point of development, learning through play is the main emphasis. The goal is to ensure that our children are stimulated and challenged each and every day and continue to develop the skills they will need to be successful.
Infant Classrooms

6 weeks – 10 months
301-530-4526, Ext. 239

Ms. Thanuja

Ms. Mercedes

Ms. Soranji

6 weeks – 10 months
301-530-4526, Ext. 238

Ms. Nanda

Ms. Asoka

Ms. Chandi
What can I expect in the Infant classroom?
On a daily basis, your baby will be read to, participate in circle time, have independent tummy time, and have wonderful experiences with music. We also love to go outside for stroller rides and enjoy the fresh air when the weather is nice! In addition, we place a strong emphasis on all areas of development– cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and fine and gross motor. Above all, we give your child a tremendous amount of love and the best care possible.
Who is in the Infant Class?
The children in our group range from six weeks to about ten months. There are six infants and three teachers. State regulations require one teacher to every three babies. We are very fortunate to have an extra teacher in the middle of each day to help give as much attention as possible to all of our little ones. Once a baby begins to crawl or pull themselves up, it’s a sign that they may soon move on to the Mobile Baby Classroom.
Sign In and Out Process
Located behind the classroom doors are “Daily Diary Charts” that are completed throughout the day by the parents and teachers. The top section of the chart is information provided by each parent when they drop of their child. This information includes how long your child slept the night before, how much the child has eaten, and any other information that is helpful in caring for your child that day. The remainder of the chart is information concerning your child’s day. For example, when your child had their diaper changed and what it was (bowel movement or wet), the amount of food consumed and when, and also a little extra information like songs that were sung that day!
Diaper Changing
The diaper changing area is located in the center portion of the classroom. Children are changed every two hours. However, we are always checking your little one for a bowel movement which requires immediate attention! Parents provide all of the diapering supplies, diapers, wipes, cream, etc., for their child. We will let you know on your child’s chart if you are running low on any of the supplies.
Cubbies, Bottles, and Food
Every child is assigned a cubby. The cubbies are intended for extra clothes, diaper bags, hats, and any other garments that your child may need throughout the day. Whether your child is on breast milk or formula, the refrigerator for your bottles is located in the Minnow Room. The shelves on the door and the interior shelves will be labeled with your child’s name. All food and bottles that come in should be labeled with your child’s name and all bottles need to have a lid. Next to the refrigerator are cabinets which will hold all non-refrigerated food such as cereal and jars of food. The School provides breakfast and snack, which for the Infants includes things such as: yogurt, applesauce, Puffs, cereal, Mum-Mumms, and organic pouches of fruit and vegetables.
Sleeping and Cribs
All of the children are placed on their backs for sleeping unless a note is brought in from your child’s doctor. Each child has their own crib with fitted sheets provided by the school. If your child requires any other item in their crib other than themselves, state regulations require that you get a note from your child’s pediatrician.
How can I prepare?
Please write your child’s name on his/ her belongings such as: bottles (please bring in bottles with caps), food containers (each piece), blankets and shoes. Please provide us with a detailed note of any food allergies that your child has. Always fill out the medication form if your child needs to have his/her medication at school (we are unable to give them without a written permission). If your child is given medicine at home, warn us about any reaction that may occur. Please check to make sure that there are extra clothes in his/her cubby. If you can, let us know if you plan to pick up your child early so we can reschedule his/her day accordingly.
What do I bring for the classroom?
- Four to six full bottles and/or food for the entire day.
- Diapers, wipes & diaper cream
- Two complete sets of extra clothing including shoes and socks.
- A copy of your child’s daily schedule and routine.
Mobile Babies Classrooms

10 months – between 15 & 18 months
301-530-4526, Ext. 224

Ms. Maria

Ms. Marlene

Ms. Maritza

10 months – between 15 & 18 months
301-530-4526, Ext. 222

Ms. Thamara

Ms. Remona

Ms. Piumali
What can I expect in the Mobile Babies classroom?
Mobile Babies usually come up from one of the Infant rooms at about 10 months and stay until they are ready to move on to one of the Toddler rooms at 15 to 18 months. Mobile Babies are able to control their head, crawl, hold their own bottle and even pick up and eat finger food. Some may not be able to do all of these skills in the beginning, but we work with them as they learn and develop and eventually move on to the Toddlers.
The Mobile Babies develop their motor skills through their play and activities in our classroom. They are encouraged to drink milk in the drinking chairs instead of being fed by an adult. When new babies see that their other friends are eating food by themselves, they too will start to eat finger food and try to do things more independently. These efforts will also help to develop their fine motor skills at the same time. You will probably see more food around their chair than on the tray, but that is all part of the development process!
The Mobile Babies enjoy their activities and love to be in a group. They love to sing, clap, read and share with friends. Mobile Babies are still on their own schedules with a couple of the babies taking two naps and others who have transitioned to one. As your child gets older, we will encourage him or her to only take one nap a day in preparation for the group schedule in the Toddler Room.
The sounds babies make gradually turn to simple words to express their feelings. We try and avoid using the word “no” when communicating with your children. Instead we prefer to use statements like, “We eat food. We don’t throw it.” Our teachers also teach and use some very basic sign language with the Mobile Babies such as the signs for “more”, “milk”, or “please.”
Who is in the Mobile Babies classroom?
The class ratios for the Mobile Babies is the same as the infants, so six babies and three teachers. These transitional classrooms are exclusive to RSCC, as most centers are set up so children transition from infant classrooms into toddler classrooms. However we believe children experience an additional phase between infancy and toddlerhood, where they are scooting, crawling, and sometimes even walking. For this reason, we designed the Mobile Baby Rooms, where babies can move around, explore, and play in a more developmentally appropriate space that is conducive to the skills they are learning at this fun stage of life. Babies typically transition in to the Mobile Baby Rooms between 8-10 months, then move into the Toddler rooms between 15-18 months.
Sign In and Out Process
Located behind the classroom doors are “Daily Diary Charts” that are completed throughout the day by the parents and teachers. The top section of the chart is information provided by each parent when they drop of their child. This information includes how long your child slept the night before, how much the child has eaten, and any other information that is helpful in caring for your child that day. The remainder of the chart is information concerning your child’s day, and will be filled in by the teachers.. For example, when your child had their diaper changed and what it was (bowel movement or wet), the amount of food consumed and when, and also a little extra information like songs that were sung that day!
Diaper Changing
The diaper changing area is located in the center portion of the classroom. Children are changed every two hours. However, we are always checking your little one for a bowel movement which requires immediate attention! Parents provide all of the diapering supplies, diapers, wipes, cream, etc., for their child. We will let you know on your child’s chart if you are running low on any of the supplies.
Cubbies, Bottles, and Food
Every child is assigned a cubby. The cubbies are intended for extra clothes, diaper bags, hats, and any other garments that your child may need throughout the day. Whether your child is on breast milk or formula, the refrigerator for your bottles is located in the room. The shelves on the door and the interior shelves will be labeled with your child’s name. All food and bottles that come in should be labeled with your child’s name and date it was brought in to the School, and all bottles need to have a lid. Next to the refrigerator are cabinets which will hold all non-refrigerated food such as cereal and jars of food. The School provides breakfast and snack, which for the Mobile Babies includes things such as: yogurt, applesauce, Puffs, cereal, Mum-Mumms, and organic pouches of fruit and vegetables.
Sleeping and Cribs
All of the children are placed on their backs for sleeping unless a note is brought in from your child’s doctor. Each child has their own crib with fitted sheets provided by the school. If your child requires any other item in their crib other than themselves, state regulations require that you get a note from your child’s pediatrician.
What’s the schedule for Mobile Babies?
The Mobile Babies have breakfast in the morning before beginning a fun-filled day with their friends. Some then take a nap while others take a stroller ride or play on the playground where they will interact and play with the Toddlers. After lunch, the Mobile Babies have their free-play time and then all take a nap. After having a snack, the Mobile Babies then either play in the classroom or go for a stroller ride. This schedule may be adjusted slightly depending on the weather.
Daily Schedule:
- 7-9 Arrival & Breakfast
- 9-9:30 Diaper Change/Free Play/Music Time
- 9:30-10:30 Morning Nap
- 10:30-11 Stroller Ride
- 11-11:30 Diaper Change/Free Play
- 11:30-12 Lunch Time
- 12-12:30 Diaper Change/Prepare for Nap
- 12:45-3:00 Nap Time
- 3-3:15 Wake Up/Diaper Change
- 3:15-3:30 Afternoon Snack
- 3:30-4:30 Activities/Story Time
- 4:15-4:30 Diaper Change
- 4:30-5 Stroller Ride/Play in Big Playroom
- 5-6 Diaper Change/Free Play/Departure
What are some of the the activities mobile babies participate in?
- Reading Books
- Singing Songs
- Dancing
- Stroller Rides
- Sign Language
How can I prepare?
Please write your child’s name on his/ her belongings such as: bottles (please bring in bottles with caps), food containers (each piece), blankets and shoes. Please provide us with a detailed note of any food allergies that your child has. Always fill out the medication form if your child needs to have his/her medication at school (we are unable to give them without a written permission). If your child is given medicine at home, warn us about any reaction that may occur. Please check to make sure that there are extra clothes in his/her cubby. If you can, let us know if you plan to pick up your child early so we can reschedule his/her day accordingly.
What do I bring for the classroom?
- Four to six full bottles and/ or food for the entire day
- If applicable, a sippy-cup with a lid
- Three bibs
- A large box of diapers, one box of wipes, and ointment or powder
- Two complete sets of extra clothing including shoes and socks
- A copy of your child’s daily schedule and routine